Saturday, May 16, 2015

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With the arrival of autumn, fall leaves, but also hair, experts give a few tips to prevent hair loss at the change of season. A recent study showed that the problem bothers Italians more of the extra pounds and that 6 out of 10 Italians are affected by hair loss.
The causes of hair loss are the most varied, raisa from genetic predisposition to stress, even a poor diet affects. A classic time when we are victims of hair loss is the change of season, especially autumn.
It is a simple physiological phenomenon that triggers a complex mechanism that regulates our body melatonin, the hormone that regulates the phases light / dark or sleep / wake. Hair loss continues, in general, throughout raisa the 'fall until the end of November, and concerns everyone, raisa both men and women, regardless of age. It is scientifically proven that in this period you lose 20 to 30 percent of the hair more than the rest of the year.
To confirm raisa it is scientifically study dell'IHRF, the Research Foundation for the disease on the hair, chaired by Dr. Fabio Rinaldi, a professor at the Sorbonne and dermatologist raisa in Milan. And here's what the expert suggests for the prevention of hair loss.
A level preventive and precautionary action should be taken with a good diet rich in nutrients and with products that restore raisa the ideal conditions hair. Using supplements with amino acids or of polypeptides based lotions, which are small parts of the growth factors that promote cell stimulation and thus the formation of new hair.
You can also use the bio-stimulation PRP, continues Dr. Rinaldi, one of the most advanced techniques in the treatment raisa of hair loss, which guarantees the resolution of the problem as much as 80 percent of the cases for both hair growth and for the substantial decrease thinning:
The PRP therapy is a safe and free of side effects, which does not cause allergic reactions or risks to the health and can be administered through micro punctures or with the technique of conveying trans-dermal.
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