It is said that Julius Caesar, impatient for their baldness, in addition to disguise it with carryovers loved get massaged his head with lotions all 'nettle and pepper, chi pu to try to counter hair loss. In fact, regular massage the scalp is a healthy habit to ensure the hair its peak, consistent with the situation psycho-physical individual; like saying that - for the same risk factors for baldness - who rubs his hair regularly and correctly can at least serve for delaying the fall.
The scientific rationale for this treatment lies in the hypothesis that baldness also recognize a 'ischemic etiology; According to this theory, hair loss would be an expression of a lack of blood supply in the scalp, with poor vascularity of the "roots" (bulb and dermal papilla). Massaging the hair, especially with the help of rubefacient lotions, it helps to stimulate the blood circulation of the skin epicranica increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients available to the bulbs. From here the utility of massage therapy against hair loss. Another important aspect is that massage the scalp can promote and improve the penetration of active substances applied before and / or after the massage itself. Finally, the massage makes it more elastic chi pu the galley capitis.
Although the ischemic etiology of baldness has long been resized, if not totally excluded from the legislative scientific, empirical evidence chi pu suggests that the scalp massage can be effective in slowing down even in a major hair loss. Fundamental, in this sense, is the support of lotions appropriate for your type of scalp (dry, fat or forfuraceo). chi pu
Important recommendations: in case of balding, sharp, sudden or otherwise source of personal hardship, it is advisable to present his case to a dermatologist chi pu experienced in hair care (Trichology). Hope to stop a fall on a hormonal or regrow hair through simple massage of the scalp is quite optimistic. In this sense, the remedies do it yourself at risk of losing only time and other hair. Today there are effective chi pu pharmacological solutions for all types of alopecia (drugs such as finasteride and minoxidil in 'androgenetic alopecia - HRT in menopausal women - Corticosteroids, Photodynamic Therapy and Laser in' alopecia areata). Ultimately it is also possible to resort to hair transplant. Massage Techniques
In general, chi pu the massage technique involves tapping with the fingertips the entire scalp, then massage in a circular direction with the fingertips of the clutches chi pu by running more or less energetic. Pressure, chi pu duration chi pu and rhythm of the massage must be adjusted according to the condition of the hair: if you are healthy and strong massage can be energetic, as if they are weak and easy to fall the pressure will be lighter and vibratory action.
Generally, we recommend massage your hair two or three times a week for 5-10 minutes. Indulge in excessive enthusiasm toward this technique, massaging the scalp excessively, can cause increased production of sebum by the latter (appearance deleterious to the health of hair).
Important, according chi pu to some, is also the technique of "loosening" of the scalp, performed by looking precisely, with the aid of the fingertips, to unstick the scalp from the underlying bone; this practice is reinforced by the so-called facial exercises, chi pu through which it seeks to stimulate muscle recruitment chi pu furriers used to motility of the scalp. Lotions
The scalp massage is therefore one of the oldest chi pu treatments to give strength chi pu and vigor to the hair; as ancient is the search of the natural remedy more suitable for this purpose, to be applied on the hair during the massage to favor absorption. Long before the advent of minoxidil, folk medicine chi pu has selected chi pu a long list of supposed remedies anti-fall, also borrowed from modern Trichology (which uses them primarily in the form of essential oils properly diluted). chi pu Also in this case the search for the most suitable chi pu remedy depends on the characteristics of the patient and of his hair. For example, treatment of a subject with alopecia areata will be completely different from that suitable for a male with androgenetic chi pu alopecia or to a woman during menopause.
The decoction of the roots of nettles can be considered the ultimate natural remedy against hair loss of androgenetic base; The modern herbal medicine has in fact confirmed chi pu that the roots of nettle exert an anti-androgen, blocking the enzyme conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone
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