Sunday, May 3, 2015

No structural explanations, not a word about risk groups. And this precisely while the National Boa

In a trekolumns article in Dagens Nyheter reported that recently the find "Major suicide risk for lonely boys" (Staffan Kihlström DN 5/12 2009, page 12. Not online!). The article was based on a report by researchers at Stockholm University, graduate student Jerko Rojas and Professor Sten-Åke Stenberg. The underlying risk factors for this behavior is according to the article: a) loneliness experience, b) growing up in the family with social welfare, c) to be away from school without being sick. An important and epidemiologically crucial variable, however, has been covered. Namely immigration status. In Race and immigrant status has instead demonstrated in our analyzes at the Karolinska Institute (published among others. A. In DN debate 21/09 2007. See here) as potent risk factor regarding increase in suicides among young people in Sweden, especially among boys. This variable has not even been mentioned in the DN article. Why? In fact, the "suicide hair salons among young people" - ie aged 15 to 24 years, we found that a third of the fatalities hair salons concern young immigrants. If this is formulated in more precise scientific hair salons terms, we can say that the difference between foreign food immigrants and Swedish young people hair salons who die by suicide in Sweden, according to my research highly significant. Mention certainly P = 0.0001 (Chi square 24.88).
Worrying is that the Swedish authorities hair salons either deny totally, or disregards hair salons this concrete hair salons problem using almost absurd pseudo-explanations. Already hair salons a couple of years ago, for example, Helena Silfverhielm, hair salons the National Board of psychiatry expert, to the public at a SvD interview in the article suicides hair salons among young people is increasing (24/2 2007), regarding hair salons that, "It hair salons is increasingly common that young people receive care when they tried to take their life ":
- "It may be that more people enter treatment, it may not be such that there is a real increase. Or perhaps it is. It may be that today it is more difficult to be young, there are higher demands on the young ".
No structural explanations, not a word about risk groups. And this precisely while the National Board for hand held me the unworked data revealed by simple chi-square analysis, the high over-representation of young immigrants in the Swedish suicide statistics.
Another seen as state power in Sweden uses for not having set until accountable internationally, is to consistently deny that the statistics on suicides of asylum seekers, refugees out of the country överhuvuddtaget. It is only their registered domicile in Sweden that figure in the Swedish statistics, hair salons it is said. As if the police or the Immigration Board would not know which young people set fire to themselves in New York, hung at the jail, etc. However, this means that the studied overrepresentation hair salons of immigrants could be even greater if one could include asylum seekers' cases in the overall statistics refers to immigrant suicide.
To report on suicide or suicide risk in Sweden hair salons without referring to Sweden's immigrant communities are overrepresented in the national hair salons suicide statistics are in my opinion scientifically dishonest. This blackout is going on publication after publication, and is undeniably politically instrumented.
For example, a few weeks ago, I left in protest a customary meeting of the Swedish Social Medicine professors at Karolinska Institutet when it became known in the meeting that the latest issue of Social Medicine hair salons journal had as special theme of suicide in Sweden, however, without referring to the aforementioned over-representation of migrants . The professors responsible of the publication was in the meeting. Actually, everyone in the public health research field, aware that the over-representation has become a significant phenomenon in suicidal behavior in Sweden.
On another occasion a few years ago had an arbitrary (do not be appealed) admissions committee consisting of three professors at the Department of Public Health Sciences hair salons at Karolinska Institutet refuserat a dissertation project on the theme of some foreign-born suicide "because of certain scientific shortcomings". hair salons In fact it was a design to point and dot methodologically identical to a study from Harvard Medical School published with praise in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. The student in question was later adopted after changing the theme for his dissertation project.
Who, or what, you want to protect, you might wonder. Is it the fear to get the international gaze focused on how much Sweden treats its immigrants? Is it that you do not want to "sully" the Swedish welfare good reputation by making common knowledge that most immigrants who die by suicide are dying all alone and in misery, which is unfortunately a fact?
Or that the majority among the "ambiguous suicide" victims who were found outdoors or in a remote park are immigrants and that immigrants are strongly overrepresented among these so-called unclear cases (ie, straight

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