Wednesday, December 3, 2014

מגן - Magen United to Save America Unorthodox Yidden The Early Childhood Ini

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מען ברויך מער נישט צו רופען נאכאמאל ווען מען וויל הערן אן אנדערען שיעור עס וועט זיין א menu אויסצוקלויבען וועלכען שיעור מען וויל הערען . צוריק צו גיין צו דער הויפט מעניו דריקט 0 אדער # צו גיין פאראויס א האלבע מינוט דריקט 3 - צו גיין צוריק א האלבע מינוט דריקט 2 - צו ווארטען (pause) דריקט 8 It will not anymore be necessary to call again when you want to listen to another shiur There will be a menu to select the shiur you want to hear To return to the MAIN MENU press 0 or # To move 30 seconds forward, press 3 - To move 30 seconds backwards press 2 - To pause press 8 איר קענט אויך לאזען א מעסעדזש אין באקס 101 You can also leave a message in Box 101 - ___________________________________________ OLD Hot-line at 712 432-8788 For Yiddish key in 11211# esalon then 0# - For English key in 11206# then 0# - For Hebrew key in 10952 then 0# To Pause click 1 - To jump forward click 6 - To move backwards click 4 ___________________________________________
__________________________________________ תקנות פון בלאג : יעדער קען שרייבען תגובות, אבער נישט קיין ניבול פה, באליידיגען אדער סטראשענען, ווער עס וועט נישט איינהאלטען די תקנות וועט מען חוסם זיין. .Rules of the Blog: Everybody is welcome to write comments, however no vulgar language, insults or threats will be tolerated, esalon you will be banned immediately Do NOT keep changing your Nick when writing comments, I can recognize you and will ban you If you are aware of any molestation in the Jewish community, please report it to the proper esalon authorities, and then please send us an emil with as many details as possible, so we can follow up and warn the Tzibur This Blog is here for a purpose - to fight pedophilia and znus, not for snide remarks, filthy comments or threats esalon
The New York State Police at Monroe announce the arrest of: JOSEPH esalon GELBMAN, age 52, 191 Gibber Road, Kiamesha Lake, New York, 12751. GELBMAN esalon was charged with Sexual Abuse 3 rd degree, Forcible Touching and Endangering the Welfare of a Child, all misdemeanors. The investigation revealed that on Thursday, April 14, 2011, GELBMAN esalon drove a fourteen (14) year old male to the America’s Best Value Inn located in the Town of Woodbury and had sexual contact with the victim. ’s date by the Town of Woodbury Justice Hasin and released on $1,500.00 cash bail to reappear on 04/27/11.
קונטרס פון הרה"ג ר' חיים לייב כ"ץ, וועגען איסור פון iui, ivf און הזרעה מלאכותית
מגן - Magen United to Save America Unorthodox Yidden The Early Childhood Initiative Foundation Child Welfare Information Gateway All About Counseling The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress The JewishWoman American Humane esalon Association AD-KAN Enough SILENCE HEARD New York City Alliance Against Sexual esalon Assault WebCrims - To look up Court Cases Frum Follies Crown Heights Community Watch Voice of Justice DUS IZ NIES Nuchem is Right Unorthodox-Jew CALANY Nuchem Rocks The Awareness Center Yudel's "Rest-of-the-Story" תנו לגדול בשקט Nies Now Stop It Now! Miriam Nimbarus
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