Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Connecticut, - Before the massacre in elementary school (SD) Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut, Un

Connecticut, - Before the massacre in elementary school (SD) Sandy Hook in Newtown, Connecticut, United States, how to grow taller Adam Lanza first killed his mother, Nancy Lanza. how to grow taller The woman known to have a lot of weapons and he often boasts that his gun collection to his friends. But who would have thought, Nancy finally killed by one of the firearms collection. The weapons used his son, Adam to kill himself on Friday, December 14th local time ago. Nancy will firearm craze has now become an important focus of the police investigation to ascertain how to grow taller the cause of penembakam brutal Adam. From the results of the investigation are known, Nancy had five firearms, which consists of: two pistols, a semi-automatic rifle and two shotguns. Adam brings both handguns and semi-automatic how to grow taller rifle to the school that became the location of slaughter. Local police said the weapons were acquired how to grow taller legally and officially registered. "I think he has the weapons to defend himself because he lived alone," said Nancy's brother-in-law, Marsha Lanza (57) as reported by the New York Times on Monday (12/17/2012). Nancy separated from her husband Peter Lanza in 2008. Since then, Adam lived with his mother, Nancy. While older brother Adam, Ryan lived with their father. Peter did not understand why his son was able to perform the massacre. "We did not expect the conditions and try to find the answers that we could," said. "We how to grow taller also ask why this happened," he added. A total of 20 children and 6 man, woman fatally shot Adam in the horrible event. According to police, hundreds of bullets fired Adam in less than 10 minutes. Adam was eventually committed suicide by shooting himself. (Dtc)
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