Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Time for the Light Workers are beginning to realize its mission and trying modo salon to keep her.

Human consciousness streams flowing from the Supreme Divine Mind, here's why our consciousness contains codes and symbols which opens us access to higher truths and spiritual information. If your mind is confused and unbalanced emotions, divine codes remain hidden from us and receive distorted information.
To resurrect in us at all times maintain a high level of consciousness. Only then we will open the Esoteric Mysteries. Sooner or later, all these sacred knowledge that is buried in the depths modo salon of centuries, explore modo salon humanity. Our task is to find the key to the code. Obtaining this sacred knowledge, we will have the honor to be kept in their minds and their hearts inclined to the truth of harmonic vibrations.
Very often the key to the sacred knowledge opens us to the unconscious (unconsciousness) level. An example circles in the countryside, which consists of Angels, which is responsible for the exchange of information. At the sight of such a circle or an image - the same as the access key to turn invisible mind. Some people say that may enter in one of the circles, feeling settling down. Others, on the contrary, felt troubled. The third felt as they pass through a strong high-energy vibrational flow. Of course, some do not feel anything. For whatever modo salon it would be, the high vibration of this approach opens a circle in the middle of the universe modo salon to the source of information for those that are ready.
Part of the key to the universe source of information hidden in ancient manuscripts, which are now made available to mankind. Ancient monuments such as the pyramids, Sfiksi, Stonehenge (ps megalithic monument in Salisbury Plain in England, probably the former modo salon sanctuary of sun worship or a place where the soil has been fixed and the Lunar calendar.) Pasha and statues on the island, swept-encoded information. The same applied to the stone fish, some gemstones and crystals. Even the old trees are hidden cosmic wisdom, which is waiting for its hour to open. Many of knowledge, wisdom and esoteric content of the information mandala symbols, promises, solemn declaration, rituals and customs. In this development phase, and the planets of enlightenment happens all the knowledge that higher understanding.
The ancient modo salon sages, modo salon Atlantean priests and priestesses, holy and ancient civilizations attendants bearing his chakra system information, which serves as a key hidden knowledge, now incarnated on Earth in response to the cry, throw through all universes. Many of us are born on the lighted beings. These children with high-energy vibrations. Their mission - to lead people to a higher consciousness and zoom the seventh occurrence of the Golden Age on Earth. Some people relied on to prepare the way for these creatures - they - Incarnate rulers imposed on parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, teachers, guardians and responsibilities.
My friends recently had a baby. All their lives they food from a vegetarian diet, consuming only organic, herbal healthy products. The mother turned to mēdiuma to read it the aura of a child, and learns when her son - one of the ancient sages incarnated on earth for the future to become a spiritual leader. He chose her and her husband about his parents, about how because of their high vibration could not be used in meat and other unhealthy foods. Everything around him was to be clean.
Healer Jen Slade, living Sasseksē, somehow noticed the healing sessions in her hands and fingers begin to move very quickly. She herself did not understand what is happening and who needs it. I thought to myself, when this Jenna sign some kind of symbols. Psychic, who watched her sessions, said when this Jenna performed surgery subtle plan, cleansing the affected body from infection and inflammation and restores harmony dismantled. I think when Jen gets his impressions during the approach to the ancient healing symbols and automatically use them in healing patients. Jenna Slade's daughter has the same abilities.
Time for the Light Workers are beginning to realize its mission and trying modo salon to keep her. True, among them there are nepamodušies modo salon employees. Light Mission modo salon employees who have not woken up falling on the shoulders of the other. It will be until such time as they will not take its place, which divided them in the great plan of the Creator.
Some sound brings vibration, enhancing human consciousness awakening. These sounds destroys energetic blocks, opens the heart to the truth, harmonizes emotions, healing the body and gives access to the hidden information of consciousness. No wonder people are singing sacred mantras or psalms modo salon in different corners of the planet - in the Australian didgeridoo (pstradicionāls Australian Aboriginal wind instrument, reminiscent of the flute, it is considered the world's modo salon oldest wooden wind instrument), gongs, Japanese and Scottish bagpipes. Each note corresponds modo salon to the letter or number combination that opens the code-lock Enforcement space-based information.
Our chakras (primarily affected the higher chakras) are also encoded by certain information. Sound vibrations p

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