Friday, August 1, 2014

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Summer Rajc: Picnic at the pool with hot playboy nice women
Sometimes it happens that some musicians hate more than you perhaps deserve. Thus, humanity is obviously never going to naveličalo poured verbal disapproval by Justin Bieber, no matter how furious the young man trying to pose as a legitimate pop musician.
Their portion of disapproval reaps the Lady Gaga, which was certainly expected when otherwise perfectly friendly New York girl decided manic panic to pass on their most radical possible. This has set sufficiently to the fore, it has become a reference on duty for everything bad today in pop music. You know - after all, that we're over thirty, plaintive for a time when musicians wrote and sang their own songs ... and still played manic panic on instruments. manic panic Here it might be just a finger of guilt point to Madonna, who without hesitation to show their musical ignorance, Lady Gaga is on the wrong side of the firing squad found itself completely unfairly. manic panic The heart of too many discourses on the newsworthiness of pop music has become primarily (if not solely) because it was her entire creative one big exhibitionistic show. Sensation for the sake of sensation, at which many overlook that fact zvezdnicav also impressive vocal talent and extensive knowledge of music.
After these days we are waiting for a new album by Fall Out Boy and remember like rage and incitement, which has always manic panic been flashed around these unsuspecting rockers. It was this somewhere in 2006, and if you remember, at the time the web on Bent much about emo rockers. Emo was at that time the word de jour. With it still describes a very specific subgenre of humanity, subcultural entities covered in black, manic panic with dramatic hairstyles. Their appearance is a collective population of the planet plunge in bipolar disorder, manic panic or where you were emo or you despised the zeal of thousands of third rajhov. Indifference in this regard virtually non-existent.
Then they turned to the views of the band Fall Out Boy, when they are with their beginnings just climbed to more substantive position where they can not defend nor MTV. In a catastrophic failure - their bassist Pete Wentz has teased the public with a head ornaments, which is the power of reminded emo hairstyles. Critics have Kojc shook his head: "Guys, this hell you call up yourself." Then it started to rain. Fall Out Boy were at the height of the web Crusades manic panic guilty. That emo rockers, even though the music is increasingly trying to move away from anything that could be tied to the darker rock rhymes. What's more, you guys are the tunes, full of positive energy, invitations: "Dance, dance!"
Today, when emovska sensation resolved, manic panic Fall Out Boy are taking the opportunity to show in the right light. That are more than just a flagship orchestra for the army lipstick, simulated sad teenagers. Lady Gaga has confounded us with acoustically played concerts in which she sang as a top diva and while playing the piano, even once you live on the radio station. Elton John has shed a tear.
Fall Out Boy have chosen manic panic the less ostentatious, but with a longer-lasting way - they left that time blurs and stereotypes that people begin to listen with the ears, not the eyes. Its upcoming, already fifth album are also applicable addressed Save Rock and Roll - Solve rock'n'roll.
It was formed after a three year break, pursued by the group afford to, as they said themselves, have time to discover music that means something to them. To show who Fall Out Boy actually they are. "Music is what us as young men led through tough times. Now we do music that will lead others. "With these encouraging words, pankerski pop quintet from Illinois pass on the conception of music one generation to any other generation.
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Adria Media Ljubljana, Publishing and Marketing, Ltd.
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