Saturday, August 16, 2014

This force is the primary aspect of the Creator

We of the Higher Realms, we have worked with mankind for centuries, and we know - never your plan's existence has not had a chance to Ground Christ Consciousness 12 Golden cosmic rays help.
Lightworkers and Ceļinieki- as this particular balayage kanāls- on your planet reaches a lot of progress, disseminating best Pink Love vibration frequency of the beam in the collective consciousness, collective lifting frequency rate, thereby encouraging new energy shipments download. The download contains the DNA activation balayage codes.
When the download is complete, the code will be activated with the help of light beams. When you go through the activation of your body must have plenty of water, to distribute the vibration through the whole system. You regularly drink 3 liters daily. It is also important to eat well and rest well. A well-fed, well-rested body emits a balanced energy field.
Your energetic field has the same power centers (chakras) as an indicator of the energetic field. Your individual field is like a drop of ocean water. Drop a miniature ocean, with all the inherent components of the ocean.
To be a successful process / complete your new DNS code for activating your energetic field should be completely balanced. There are many different methods for working deep down, balance your chakras, at the same time balancing your energy field.
In the past, it was only a few chosen energy configuration, but now all external assistance is focused on the intense activation, so you have every opportunity to achieve the same energy state of expression anyone had these spiritual teachers.
Before his inkarnēšanās you agreed to activate the collective system by activating your own system. Any outside help is ready around jums- this opportunity really is too valuable to neizmantotu- but your personal activation can only start unlocking your heart center. Love is the key. There are no locks, which neatslēgt with Love.
Unlike other members of your energetic centers, Heart chakra opening always starts with firings. It must be gradual, balayage as gentle as a blooming flower, you are not seeing balayage the same flushing process.
Regardless of which way you atmodāties spiritual dimension, once it has happened - a huge amount of power flowing through your system, balayage reaching the seventh level of consciousness, highlighting every aspect of your being.
This force is the primary aspect of the Creator's energy and meets Love Pink Stars. If your heart chakra balayage resonate at higher frequencies of love, smokeless flame will shine on your chest. This corresponds to the flame hyper dimension of Christ Consciousness and vismistēriskākā (most confidential) universe balayage thing; balayage all life depends on it.
Is not important balayage to your state of consciousness or level of development, it is not important to your age, or social standing, this flame search is your first task. Remember, one of the Laws of the Logos is: all the search might feel you are looking for.
Christ Consciousness exists outside of time and space; Prince Sananda is multi-dimensional understanding of consciousness that ruled my beloved brother and teacher Jesus. It is the sense of their One and All That Is Unity.
Work to balance your chakras and energy fields, open your heart, and distribute the highest vibration of love, will soon your new DNA Activation, and you piedzimsiet new divinity of the tribe.
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