Friday, March 21, 2014

6 - geological ages.

<font> os croods <font> Students </ font> </ font> <font> <font> Qalaat Shanan Publication </ font> </ font> <font> os croods <font> My articles </ font> </ font> <font > <font> archaeologists </ font> </ font> <font> <font> Sudan Prehistory </ font> </ font> <font> <font> Meroitic Studies </ font> </ font> <font> os croods <font > archeology links </ font> os croods </ font>
6 - geological ages.
Human culture and the definition of archeology have
Was and is still the main goals of archeology is to identify and familiarity with the culture of human emergence of humans and how they change from time to time and its units and components and their evolution, and to reach this lofty goal in itself used researchers effects of a number of approaches and interpretations of the concept of culture itself, but this varied definitions of researchers to the word culture and change this definition the evolution of archeology itself, and was the first to use the word culture is the German language Gestav Cocina (Gustaf Cossina) and first introduced in sociology is Edward Taylor (Edward Tylour) and knew that it is the total complex, which includes knowledge - faith - morality, art and law any capabilities of other acquired by man as a member of society, says Professor os croods Robert Reed Field (R. Red Field) that culture is the full set of laws and beliefs and concepts that live by a group of human beings, and that is reflected in everything you do from the arts, as defined Clakhon (Kluchonn) He says the culture we mean all the schemes of life that formed throughout history, including the implicit schemes, health, and mental and Allaaklah, which exist at any time Kmujhat to human behavior when needed.
We find that the content of culture os croods when anthropologists includes the technology, the economy - the social os croods organization, religion, culture, symbolism, language and the arts, but in archeology means a ways and means and tools used by man in order to adapt to the surrounding environment, and thus are adaptable man and his environment has emerged study of culture in archeology during the nineteenth century, despite the fact that older studies talked about the culture of Nations in many ways, we find, for example, Chinese sage Confucius talked about changing the culture and the impact of the environment in which, os croods as also spoke of the philosophers of the ancient Greeks and Romans and in the Middle Ages occur philosophers of the Arabs about it such as the Ibn Khaldun, who attributed the continuing cultural phenomena psychological illnesses.
And is credited with the definition of the word culture in archeology due to archaeological British - Australian origin, Gordon Childe (Gordan childe), which dealt with the nature of culture and how Ncaha and spread and it means whatever successor rights of tools hired in adapting to the environment, these tools or Findings os croods (Artifacts) include Industries stone and the great and successor rights of houses and others, have stated Childe defined the first of the concept of culture in writing (Man Makes him self1936) os croods and book (What happened in histry 1942) and particularly in the writing of the last where he outlined Jaeld concept of human culture, which put her daughters in writing First, he says that culture is Jaeld repeat coupling set of tools that man-made site or multiple sites, meaning that the adjustment of various types can be distinguished by the different tools used by members of the group in a normal way.
And took scientists a number of features limited to all in that everything that made the old man for the specific os croods purpose of cultural activity and transmitted these traits from one generation to another in the sense inherited individuals, os croods this also means that culture is characterized by continuity and are subject to change and modification according to what occurs to the community of factors os croods and special circumstances that distinguish os croods it from others from other communities.
The culture is transmitted by Acquisition and learning (training session) has become the curriculum when realizing scientists that man has evolved and developed his life from simple to complex and therefore os croods was to study and follow that development is a must even Atser researchers Archaeology understanding of human behavior through the stages of young cultural.
The classification of archaeological material to groups difficult for materials os croods prehistoric because we rarely os croods recognize the purposes for which it was made for her tools specific There is also the difficulty in distinguishing os croods between the diversity resulting from different function, or mimic the stylistic addition to a specific community may be busy lifestyles characteristic , in the cases on the basis of quarterly and perhaps in areas and environments isolated, then it may represent the collections of disparate various activities for one set, and by the second perhaps certain topics and methods specific to the culture of the material could function os croods as a symbolic cross-linked community specific or part of the community.
Emergence of human culture
Despite the differing os croods definitions of culture, but there is general agreement on culture is the cultural units humanitarian groups are limited Bmkhalafadtha distinctive, they are wastes that result from the use of rights in that unit for tools and equipment in order to cope groups Alepesh

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