Friday, December 13, 2013

Red hair seems to be destined to disappear within plus or minus half of the century. The gene that

Red hair will become extinct within a few years | Whole Health
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Red hair seems to be destined to disappear within plus or minus half of the century. The gene that determines them is recessive, then sooner or later destined to succumb, and that within fifty years. The probability that this prediction olive oil for hair may be unfounded or, at least, risky are infinitesimal, and to prove it is the fact that until a few years ago the population of the red represents 2% of the world population, a percentage that has now declined further barely touching the ' 1% of the population. And, in a sense, the red stands still in the statistics through Scotland and Ireland where the reds represent 13% of the population. But this should not mislead olive oil for hair because even in Anglo-Saxon olive oil for hair countries the recession olive oil for hair of red is down in place for at least fifty years.
Do not fare better natural blonde, for they, too, sooner or later give way, even if the problem is more serious, let's say for the red hair. As mentioned before, the whole is due to the fact that the gene that determines the coloring of the hair has at least 40 variants, and only 6 of these determine red hair. Because a child can inherit the red of the parents must inherit at least 2 of these genes, one from each parent, because if it was only 1, being recessive, would be overwhelmed, in a sense, on the other gene is dominant. Since then very low chances that both parents are carriers of a gene variant in question here is that the population of reds continues to decline.
The human species is evolving. Although they are often imperceptible to us, because each stage of evolution requires a much longer time compared to human life, the changes there have been and continue olive oil for hair to be there and one of these concerns precisely the color of the hair. Red hair, as well as blond, appeared about 20 thousand years ago in the northern populations, it is assumed olive oil for hair to compensate for an insufficient production of vitamin D, which, however, is greater for subjects of fair complexion, just as the red and blond. Today, olive oil for hair however, that the human species has to take a step back, because it's also because of greater insolation, light-skinned individuals are more susceptible to skin cancer.
The nature, so try on his own to put things in place and backtracks, evolving again. Examples of evolution there are several, just remember as the tooth of the said judgment, the tooth does not develop more regularly because it is no longer essential for chewing, as it was a time when we ate mainly meat is often not cooked. And yet, the height of the individuals has increased olive oil for hair over the millennia, baldness hair because now no longer serve as a cover once like the hairs that were much thicker and longer.
The man evolves, so some features are destined to disappear, to become recessive, while others make their appearances and gradually become dominant. The nature, of which we often forget too easily, knows how to adapt to the changing conditions of life on the planet, and adjusts, if necessary, even radically, but to be in a position to survive. So the saying that gentlemen prefer blondes is bound to lose its meaning, olive oil for hair although in all cases the blond, as well as the red, will continue to exist, but only in the colors of hair dyes so that you do not accompany with more clear complexion.
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