Tuesday, December 31, 2013

an extra clean underwear - usually, mambo huwa mengi, mara mtu unaweza exposition kupata period ya g

Okay ladies, exposition wanaume wengi husemaga "you dont wanna know whats in a woman's hand bad" why they say this? well, we dont know maybe kwasababu kuna vitu mia kidogo or maybe they think kuna mavitu ya ajabu tuna zunguka nayo 24/7 in our handbags ndo maana kila mara mwanamke anapotoka she's got to have her mkoba with her or some kind of bag. Well, while that is true kwamba lazima tubebe some kind of mkoba with us wedha ni mkubwa you can fit a whole house in or kamkoba kadogo, make sure kuna vitu hivi vitano maalum. first things first: sanitary wipes/vikaratasi vya kujifuta ukienda kujisaidia wedha unakojoa or the other. huwezi exposition kujua who you are gonna meet that day wedha be that cute guy, you have always been trying to catch his attention or your leading man "mume wako/partner" exposition whatever the case maybe. exposition Hutaki asikie sikie harufu zisizo eleweka. So, these sanitary wife mmm will save your life. Not only inasaidia kuondoa harufu mbaya but also, husaidia kuzuia yeast infection etc
an extra clean underwear - usually, mambo huwa mengi, mara mtu unaweza exposition kupata period ya gafla or just that you have been so hot and you dont like to smell so, extra panties in your handbag can come handy especially exposition kama unakaa sehemu za joto sana. Other times, you could have just been with someone hello? you dont wanna wear the same undies after taking a shower right?
a clean pad - you just never know mara gafla your period comes in maybe uko kazini, on a date or just out and about. a clean pedi inasaidia kufix the aibu and not walk around with lidoa hilo on your skirt ama gauni.
a toothbrush/listerin - most times as a woman, you wanna have fresh breath mda wote especially kama ndo hivyo ni mtu wa kukutana kutana exposition na watu. a quick brush of meno ama kusukutua na listen come handy katika kuondoa harufu mbaya ya mdomo.
a body spray/deodorant - okay, this one yaani ndo everywhere exposition you go and anywhere you go, its a must bring with you. Kuna watu wanao sweat like crazy na kuna watu hawasweat kabisa ila when you come around them mmm its a NO NO harufu ya kikwapa ni kali mno. Plus mara nyingine lets face it mtu unaweza kukurupuka kwasababu umechelewa exposition kazini or to go somewhere to meet someone but kama una deodorant or a body spray handy then tatizo has been solved huitaji kwenda mahali popote smelling funny!
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